Grayson Spell graduated from UNC Charlotte with a Civil Engineering Degree before moving back to Autryville. He was elected in 2023 and will serve until 2025.
Debra Baxley has lived in Autryville for over 30 years and operates Wild Magnolia Florist. She was elected Commissioner in 2021 and will serve until 2025.
Mickie Spell is a lifetime resident of Autryville and operates Spell's Mechanical Service, Inc. He was elected in 2023 and will serve until 2027.
Kim Baker is lifetime resident of Autryville. A Wife, Mother, Grandmother, and retired Bookkeeper she enjoys her time playing with her granddaughter and working everyday to improve and grow our town. She was elected in 2023 and will serve until 2027.
Denise Tyndall has lived in Autryville for over 20 years and is is the mother of two beautiful children and 6 grandchildren. She owns Custom Creations in Stedman. Denise loves our small community and wants to do her part to help the residents of Autryville in any way that she can. She was elected in 2021 and will serve until 2025.
Tommy Honeycutt is a native of Sampson County who was born and raised in Clement, but recently moved back to the homeplace of his wife, Peggy. He owns Tolar Plumbing Supply in Fayetteville and has been a minister for several churches for the 30 plus years. He was elected in 2023 and will serve until 2027.
Chris Bullard is honored and committed to be providing efficient services for the Town of Autryville where he has lived and raised his family for over 20 years. Autryville has become a huge part of who he is. He has served in this role since 2019.
Lisa Jones is excited to serve the citizens of Autryville as town clerk. She is a native of North Carolina and graduate of UNC-CH. She was appointed in July 2022.